Videos (Sewing, Quilting, Embroidery and More)

You have questions and we have the answer! We've created this page as a place for the most commonly asked sewing and quilting machine service questions we've received. Watch and learn to keep your machine running happily. 

If there's still a problem with your sewing, embroidery or quilting machine, you may want to visit our Services Page

We're not like other sewing and quilting shops! We want to be a service to our community by providing the service and support you need. We have a technicians who are trained in machine services. We are also expert educators in all facets of sewing. So if you want to see a video from us, please email us at We may be able to create a video on that very topic. In the meantime, please enjoy our current videos found on YouTube!


 Our Popular Livestream Videos Tuesday through Friday

Free Sew Alongs

Quilting Video Playlist


Common Sewing Machine Threading Problems

Threading a Sewing Machine

How to Insert a Bobbin

How to Choose a High-end Sewing Machine