In this session of the Multi Needle Mastery Series we will be positioning embroidery on a ready made toiletry bag using your 4X4 hoop and a snowman positioning marker on your 10 needle machine OR your drop light on the 6 needle machine. We will also experiment with the color shuffle or color visualizer’ resizing the split monogram and adding a name with the built in text, the alignment feature and position with the snowman sticker.
After we embroider the front I will demo how the Durkee/Fast Frames type hoops can be used to make hooping ready made items a bit easier and I’ll sew the name on the back of the bag. If you don’t have Durkee/Fast Frames you can again hoop with your 4X4 hoop.
In preparation for class please have your machine threaded with the 4 colors you wish to embroider with, bobbin loaded and your stickers and 4X4 hoop handy. This is a technique class. You should be familiar with your machine, know how to thread and how to hoop using the hoops that came with your machine.
Kit including stabilizer, topper and toiletry bag is included in the class price.