Are you a Luminaire 3 or Solaris Vision owner that wishes you knew more about all the features that were added to the machine with each of the 3 upgrades? This is the class for you.
You must have all three upgrades installed: If you have an original Luminaire you would have purchased upgrades 1, 2 and 3. If you have a Luminaire 2 it came with upgrades 1 & 2 and you would have purchased Upgrade 3. If you have a Luminaire XP3 you have it all! Same for Solaris owners. The first version would need upgrade 1, 2 and 3, the Solaris 2 would need upgrade 3 and the Solaris Vision has it all.
We will go over all the features added with each upgrade. Then we will focus on the most popular features! We will begin by embroidery couching a letter, we will move onto the edge to edge feature and then use the auto split quilt sashing.
On the sewing side we will move onto some of those gorgeous decorative stitches, free motion couching, end point setting stop, utilizing you guideline marker, specialty hand look stitches, decorative taper stitch and my favorite technique of running 2 threads through the eye of a single needle to mimic crazy quilt stitches!!
SOMETHING NEW: We will be offering a pre recorded class! If you never atten the Zoom sessions and wait for the recording to watch afterwards we are now offering just the prerecorded class as an option. Not available until after the first Zoom session.
The class kit of panel and yarn is mandatory unless you just want to watch the class. No changes to the class will be made for any other panels or yarn. You can purchase you kit by CLICKING HERE:
We also put a great thread set together for you utilizing the same threads used in the sample panel: 2 shades of wonderfil Tutti, 3 spools of Glide and a spool of Monofilament. CLICK HERE: