Multi-Needle Mastery Class: Let's Make Some Patches! March 14th from 1-3pm PST
Multi-Needle Mastery Class: Let's Make Some Patches! March 14th from 1-3pm PST

Multi-Needle Mastery Class: Let's Make Some Patches! March 14th from 1-3pm PST

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Patches are all the fun right now! We will look at several ways to make and sew patches on the multi-needle. First we will explore using the built in shapes to create an applique using the applique maker on the machine. Then we will see what we can do in the IQ Designer or Design Center. We will finish up by sewing out the patch of your choice form the OESD patches show (you must purchase one of the patch designs prior to class). Throughout class we will talk about the supplies that can make your patch stand out from the crowd.

Class is 2 hours and includes sewing ONE patch.

Your class kit will include Poly Patch Twill, Patch Attach and stabilizer for one patch in a 5X7 hoop.


NOTE: You should be familiar with your multi-needle as this is not a refresher class and not all the features of the machine will be shown. 


Supply List:

  • Multi-Needle machine threaded with the colors for the final patch you will stitch
  • Pre wound bobbin in white
  • 1 pre wound bobbin that matches your final zigzag color (I used pink, orange or blue for the ones shown). We have a wide variety of pre wound bobbins in fun colors in the store. Using a pre-wound that matches your satin stitch really makes your patch pop.
  • 5X7 hoop
  • Sharp applique scissors (I love the Famore 4” fine point double curved scissors for getting close to the stitching line).
  • Applique pressing sheet. The Goddess sheet is my favorite non-stick sheet.
  • Wool pressing mat. I have several sizes. I like the 8.5” square Gypsy Quilter one for patches. 
  • Iron or heat press for applying the “Patch Attach” to make your patches fusible.
  • Wooden clapper for pressing block. This gets ALL the puckers out when combined with a wool matt and a hot iron.
  • OESD: Sewing Patches #12721 We would love it if you used our affiliate link from the A1 Website.
  • Any 3X3 design to “make” a patch using the machine features. We won’t be sewing this one. We will be creating a patch out of it, adding letters to it and adding the satin stitch around it. You can save and sew later if you like.

Don’t forget your 15% A1 class discount on all supplies for class!