Tutti™ is a 50wt, 3-ply Egyptian cotton thread, double-gassed and mercerized to create a wonderfully soft, clean, and lustrous finish. Free of waxes or coatings that can cause build up in machines, Tutti™ is a super low lint thread available in 41 lovely variegated colours.
* The process of double gassing involves burning off the lint from the thread two times, resulting in a much softer and cleaner finish.
Material: 3-ply 100% Long Staple Double-Gassed Egyptian Cotton
Weight: 50wt
Sizes: 1000m (1094yd), 2286m (2500yd)
Colours: 41 Variegated Colours
Usages: Quilting, longarming, thread painting, cotton lace, serger, embroidery, hand piecing, machine appliqué, piecing, free motion quilting.